CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

EMC users map

Posted by Ray Henry
on 2002-06-17 19:05:32 UTC
EMC users

Paul Corner of BDI fame is preparing a world map with push pins for users.
He tells me that he has 60 or so pins in the map.  If you have a PC running
the EMC, even if you don't currently have it connected to a machine, I would
encourage you to find your coordinates using the following link

and post them to Paul <paul.corner@...> so that he can include your
location on the map.  This site only accepts city or place names rather than
city and country so you may have to scroll down through the returned list to
find your place and then click on the link there to get the coordinates.

I put the first map of Paul's on
so that you can see what he is doing. I'd like to get us all on the map.

Thanks in advance.


On Thursday 13 June 2002 14:09, you wrote:
> Thanks for pointing out my error Dave.
>  One of the dangers of typing a long URL instead of cut'n'pasting it.
> Regards, Paul.
> On Thursday 13 Jun 2002 12:07 am, Dave Hylands wrote:
> > I believe the correct URL should be:

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Ray Henry 2002-06-17 19:05:32 UTC EMC users map