CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Gecko Stepper Drives INPUT pulse-width

Posted by JanRwl@A...
on 2002-07-16 21:25:33 UTC
Has anyone in here tinkered to learn just-how-short the "min. 4 uS" STEP
pulses into the Gecko G210 drives can actually be? I had one set up for a
"bench test", and it seemed to "find phantom steps" in some of the tests, so
I got to thinking, perhaps my INPUT pulse-widths in those instances were
NARROWER than the total time of the Gecko's 10 "microsteps" or some-such. I
tinkered with my software to move SOME of the "off time" to the "on time",
but haven't gotten to testing that, yet.

IS it necessary that the STEP IN be at least as wide as the ten microsteps?
"White paper" says "min. 4 uS". Wonder if 3 or 3.5 uS "would do", and when
does it REALLY get unreliable (2.8 uS? 2.0 uS?). Hmmm...

I will post my discoveries on this detail when I get the plotter done.
Jan Rowland

Discussion Thread

JanRwl@A... 2002-07-16 21:25:33 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Gecko Stepper Drives INPUT pulse-width