CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Great support from Camtronics

Posted by Tim Goldstein
on 2000-01-24 23:02:18 UTC
Just wanted to give Dan at Camtronics ( ) a
public thank you. For those of you that don't know I have been running a
Camtronics 5 amp stepper controller for the past year and it has worked just
great. Well, through some self inflicted stupidity and no fault of the board
I managed to fry an axis. Dan has been absolutely unbelievable in his help
and support to get me back up and running.

My controller is good as new and I am probably cured of the more power
syndrome for at least the next few days. I would definitely say that if
anyone is in the market for a reasonably priced stepper controller that they
need to look at what Dan has to offer. If you want to read about my
adventure in converting my Shoptask to CNC you can check it out at

[Denver, CO]

Discussion Thread

Tim Goldstein 2000-01-24 23:02:18 UTC Great support from Camtronics WAnliker@a... 2000-01-25 13:20:09 UTC Re: Great support from Camtronics