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Re: Cam track help, Parabolic cooker in Excel

on 2002-08-23 11:20:20 UTC
Hi Fred,

I just tried the spread sheet, and initially lost the text and circle.
I pasted it into Notepad to view it, and noticed a blank line. After
removing the blank line, I got it all into Vector CAD/CAM.

Thanks for the Excel example! Who knew they could do all this stuff!

Alan KM6VV

IMService wrote:

> For those that may not have seen it, here is another use of an Excel
> spreadsheet to create data for use in CNC. In this case it is a
> parabola for a solar cooker surface and the VectorCam external
> data function is used to import the geometry points.
> A copy of the spread sheet(.xls) is on the web page.
> Best Regards, Fred Smith- IMService

Discussion Thread

Alan Marconett KM6VV 2002-08-23 11:20:20 UTC Re: Cam track help, Parabolic cooker in Excel