CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Use a scope to determineovervoltageneededforstepper motors

on 2000-01-30 17:28:15 UTC
More commonly refered to as a Boatanchor, last cataloged
in 1971, 15mhz bandwidth. There is nothing better than
working on old tube radio's, together with old tube test
equipment, heck I us my old 545B on my cnc stuff. Its
big, heavy and power hungry, but has features some new
scopes do not.


From: John Beidl <jbeidl@...>
Subject: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Use a scope to
determineovervoltageneededforstepper motors
Date: Sunday, January 30, 2000 3:40 PM

From: John Beidl <jbeidl@...>

Bob, this is a relic. My guess is from late 50's to early 60's. I used an
RM-515 in the Air Force in the early 60's. I
suspect it is only about a 15 - 20 MHz scope.


Bob Bachman wrote:

> From: Bob Bachman <bobach@...>
> To the electronics gurus,
> I have a Tektronix 516 dual trace scope. Don't have a clue how
> use it, one of those things to learn 'someday'. Where does it
> fit into the hierarcy?
> Bob
> >The message I replied to had a long list of old Tektronix analog scopes,
> >like the 465, 475, 485, and so on. For repetitive signals, these scopes
> >are fine, but for a single-shot event, like watching a circuit power up,
> >or a servo amp handle a 3" move, they just don't cut it. I know!
> >I struggled for years with a plain analog scope, trying to capture
> >the information from the above mentioned sort of events by turning
> >the brightness up and trying to mentally record the traces before
> >the persistence faded. Ughh! I really don't want to do that again.
> >
> >Jon
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Discussion Thread

John Beidl 2000-01-30 15:40:11 UTC Re: Use a scope to determineovervoltageneededforstepper motors Steve Carlisle 2000-01-30 17:28:15 UTC Re: Use a scope to determineovervoltageneededforstepper motors Bob Bachman 2000-01-30 19:07:34 UTC Re: Use a scope to determineovervoltageneededforstepper motors