This is OFF TOPIC please drop it.Where are Outlook files?
Posted by
on 2002-10-26 15:05:39 UTC
The list is designed to help you build or modify equipment to help you have a
CNC, along with the supporting CAD, CAM, and EDM.
The list is not for:
This list covers only four subjects and nothing else there are other general
lists for other subjects.
Cad, the list is for discussion of how to use various CAD programs, what
programs are available etc.
CAM(CNC), the list is for discussion of how to build modify or convert a
machine for a Homeshop CNC machine, if you use it commercially good, but not
on the list. Nor question about commercial shop problems.
EDM, the list is again for building, converting, modifying an EDM machine for
a homeshop EDM machine.
DRO, same as above building, modifying, converting for use in a home shop
Gentlemen, we have to go thru this same crap all the time, OFF TOPIC posts
are just exactly that. This is not the place for all the other stuff. With
over 2800 members, and about 50 posts a day, we just can't allow all the OFF
TOPIC stuff, it would soon overwhelm the purpose of the group.
You can all make my job as the List Mom a lot easier if you will help to keep
the Spam down, and all Off Topic posts are SPAM on this list.
The biggest complaint I get is about the Off Topic posts, and the most
support I get is about stopping OFF TOPIC past.
If you insist on posting Off Topic you will be either moderated or Banned,
and the choice is Tim and my hands. Period........
Please don't answer this post on the list, address all replies directly to me
or Tom only. anyone answering on the list will be put on a moderated or
banned status.
Your unhappy List Mom
CNC, along with the supporting CAD, CAM, and EDM.
The list is not for:
This list covers only four subjects and nothing else there are other general
lists for other subjects.
Cad, the list is for discussion of how to use various CAD programs, what
programs are available etc.
CAM(CNC), the list is for discussion of how to build modify or convert a
machine for a Homeshop CNC machine, if you use it commercially good, but not
on the list. Nor question about commercial shop problems.
EDM, the list is again for building, converting, modifying an EDM machine for
a homeshop EDM machine.
DRO, same as above building, modifying, converting for use in a home shop
Gentlemen, we have to go thru this same crap all the time, OFF TOPIC posts
are just exactly that. This is not the place for all the other stuff. With
over 2800 members, and about 50 posts a day, we just can't allow all the OFF
TOPIC stuff, it would soon overwhelm the purpose of the group.
You can all make my job as the List Mom a lot easier if you will help to keep
the Spam down, and all Off Topic posts are SPAM on this list.
The biggest complaint I get is about the Off Topic posts, and the most
support I get is about stopping OFF TOPIC past.
If you insist on posting Off Topic you will be either moderated or Banned,
and the choice is Tim and my hands. Period........
Please don't answer this post on the list, address all replies directly to me
or Tom only. anyone answering on the list will be put on a moderated or
banned status.
Your unhappy List Mom