CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

dream shop purchase

Posted by larry
on 2002-11-13 13:35:07 UTC
I am planning to buy and set up my new CNC shop in fell swoop (I
HOPE). I have or will have about $5,000.00 to do it with. I digure i
will spend about half on the mill and lathe plus additional acessories
for them. that will leave me 2500.oo for the CNC equipment. i am
computer poor so that will not be a need. I will need the software and
all the other hardware. I would like to buy a system that is complete
and ready to be mounted and operational from the box.

Any sugestions as to where to look for the complete package would be
really appreciated.

I do have a limited background in electronics, abet it is from a
time of tubes and big circuitry days, and i am a little more than
computer savey. been around them from back in the 50s so i do have a
fair understanding of them. I also owned a jobshop machine shop and a
cutlery manf business for several years. But i really am not excited
about patching togather a system, more intrested in getting back to
cutting metal and turning out products. Ohh i also am set uo currently
to do production lost wax casting, and sand castings.

Again any suggestions pr thoughts would be a great help.

DBA Alaska Tool And Die

Discussion Thread

larry 2002-11-13 13:35:07 UTC dream shop purchase glee@i... 2002-11-13 17:30:55 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] dream shop purchase