CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Housecleaning........

on 2000-02-07 10:38:53 UTC

Do you have drivers for the servo motors? How much are you asking?


----- Original Message -----
From: Larry Van Duyn <lvanduyn@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Housecleaning........

> From: Larry Van Duyn <lvanduyn@...>
> I have to make some more shop space for new equipment so something must
go. I have a
> 3 axis table all set up with servo motors which might be of interest to
someone in this
> group. If anyone is interested, contact me via email. Pics of the unit
may be seen at :
> thru table8.jpg If no interest
in the complete
> unit, I may be willing sell parts of the unit. (motors, tachs, encoders,
> Thanks, Larry....
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Discussion Thread

Larry Van Duyn 1999-12-03 10:42:08 UTC Housecleaning........ Larry Van Duyn 2000-02-07 09:11:15 UTC Re: Housecleaning........ Charles VanLeeuwen 2000-02-07 10:38:53 UTC Re: Housecleaning........