Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Visual Mill 4 so far so good.
Posted by
on 2002-11-19 13:01:55 UTC
Glad to hear you are still happy with your purchase -VM just gets better
with every release. I've been a VM user since version 2.5 but my solid
modelling package (Ironcad) lets me design in mm and export parts in
*.x_t format files which are (I understand) the native Parasolid kernel
export format - which I think is compatible with Solid Edge and is an
import file format in VM. Millimeter sizes all carry across to VM
without any scaling.
When I purchased my VM, I had to pay a bit extra to get the parasolid
file format turned on (can't remember how much). Check with Mecsoft
about this.
Cheers, Peter
marksteamnz wrote:
Glad to hear you are still happy with your purchase -VM just gets better
with every release. I've been a VM user since version 2.5 but my solid
modelling package (Ironcad) lets me design in mm and export parts in
*.x_t format files which are (I understand) the native Parasolid kernel
export format - which I think is compatible with Solid Edge and is an
import file format in VM. Millimeter sizes all carry across to VM
without any scaling.
When I purchased my VM, I had to pay a bit extra to get the parasolid
file format turned on (can't remember how much). Check with Mecsoft
about this.
Cheers, Peter
marksteamnz wrote:
>I bought Visual Mill 4 with Rhino 2 weeks ago as it gave me most bang
>for my severely anemic New Zealand $'s.
>I tried various CAM demos before hand and I just found Visual Mill
Discussion Thread
2002-11-19 00:38:44 UTC
Visual Mill 4 so far so good.
2002-11-19 13:01:55 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Visual Mill 4 so far so good.