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Re: Re: Computer upgrade ( first before butchering XF86Config)

Posted by Brian L.
on 2000-02-13 18:08:51 UTC
Sorry...the line should have been
VideoRam 256

Darrell wrote:

> From: "Darrell" <dgehlsen@...>
> Thanks, Changing the mem to 29 in LILO got Rtlinux running, now all I have
> to do is get Xwindows running. I am having trouble finding the right setup
> for Xwindows. It is the SIS 530 chip set and I have it set to 2meg.
> Darrell
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <daveland@...>
> To: <>; <dgehlsen@...>
> Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 9:24 AM
> Subject: Re: Computer upgrade
> > Here is the EMC memory infomation for using motherboards
> > with integrated video. Check how much video ram you have
> > reserved in BIOS and then use the selected shared memory
> > address line below in you XXX.ini file.
> >
> > edit Your emc.ini ( or whatever xxx.ini file you are using) and
> > use ONE of the following lines depending on your setup
> >
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x0F00000 ; 16MB no shared video memory
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x1F00000 ; 32MB no shared video memory
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x3F00000 ; 64MB no shared video memory
> >
> > ; share video memory settings
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x0D00000 ; 16MB 2MB shared video memory
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x0B00000 ; 16MB 4MB shared video memory
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x0700000 ; 16MB 8MB shared video memory
> >
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x1D00000 ; 32MB 2MB shared video memory
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x1B00000 ; 32MB 4MB shared video memory
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x1700000 ; 32MB 8MB shared video memory
> >
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x3D00000 ; 64MB 2MB shared video memory
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x3B00000 ; 64MB 4MB shared video memory
> > SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x3700000 ; 64MB 8MB shared video memory
> >
> >
> > hope this helps!!!
> >
> > dave
> >
> > >darrel
> > >
> > >Your new motherboard is stealing MAin ram for onboard video. When RTlinux
> loads
> >
> > >it is trying to reserve the top 1MB, But this has been used by the BIOS
> for
> >
> > >video screen memory. So there is
> > >a conflict and the system crashes.
> > >
> > >This why these boards are cheaper than the others.I have
> > >several and they are great. You just need to look up in the bios ( or
> the
> > boot
> > >screen) and determine how many MB they are
> > >reserving in the BIOS for video. it is either 2MB 4MB or 8MB.
> > >For EMC at normal resolutions and color depths (800x600 32768/16 bit
> color)
> >
> > >2MB is fine.
> > >
> > >I will assume that you are using 32MB of RAM!! If you use 64MB
> > >follow the same instructions but replace the numbers for 64MB, or email
> me!
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >Total PHYSICAL ram=32MB
> > >Subtract Video ram ( reserved by bios) = 2MB <- BIOS Setting!!!
> > >Total ram LEFT FOR LINUX = 30MB
> > >Subtract rtlinux Reserved shared memory ram = 1MB
> > >Total ram for RTlinux=29MB
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >So here is what you need to do.
> > >1) determine the amount of ram the bios is reserving for video. OR set it
> to
> >
> > >2MB so that you get the most amount of ram for the
> > >CPU. You need to go into the BIOS screens (advanced settings) to set the
> video
> >
> > >ram size to 2MB.
> > >
> > >2)The edit your lilo.conf file ( while booted in non-rt linux)
> > >to read append="mem=29MB" see my simple math above. This will
> > >start rtlinux with 1MB reserved as a shared memory buffer.
> > >
> > >3)rerun lilo
> > >
> > >4) reboot. and rtlinux should run. Test you Xwindows to make
> > >sure the new 2MB video ram allows the screen resolution desired.
> > >
> > >5) You must now configure EMC to know the address of the physcal
> > >ram for the 1MB buffer. ( I forget how to do this right now)
> > >
> > >Check that this gets you booted, I'll find the EMC config
> > >file and post the memory addresses. IT just ends up being
> > >2MB LESS ( in HEX!!) than the addresses that EMC has encoded
> > >in there ( see Tims scritped install).
> > >
> > >How much Physical ram is installed?
> > >
> > >good luck
> > >dave
> > >
> > >
> >
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Discussion Thread

Brian L. 2000-02-13 18:08:51 UTC Re: Re: Computer upgrade ( first before butchering XF86Config)