RE: AutoCAD2002 stuff (Correction)
Posted by
Lloyd Leung
on 2003-01-06 01:15:03 UTC
The difference in entry between Spherical addressing, and Cylindrical
Addressing is:
Spherical: @RadialDistance<AngleXYplane<AngleElevation
Cylindrical: @RadialDistance<AngleXYplane,Elevation
The difference is "<" and ",".
Not both being "<" signs, as originally posted.
Addressing is:
Spherical: @RadialDistance<AngleXYplane<AngleElevation
Cylindrical: @RadialDistance<AngleXYplane,Elevation
The difference is "<" and ",".
Not both being "<" signs, as originally posted.
Discussion Thread
wiz1026 <ouisel@v...
2003-01-04 14:35:44 UTC
AutoCAD2002 stuff
Ron Kline
2003-01-04 16:50:19 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] AutoCAD2002 stuff
Vince Negrete
2003-01-04 17:28:30 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] AutoCAD2002 stuff
Lloyd Leung
2003-01-06 01:15:03 UTC
RE: AutoCAD2002 stuff (Correction)