Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Lathe/Mill Purchase
Posted by
Raymond Heckert
on 2003-01-06 20:08:15 UTC
My free advice (and since it costs nothing, is worth no
more than that): look for some good used equipment. Take
out an ad in a local 'shopper' magazine, or talk to the
instructor at the local Tech School. Maybe, sign up for
some classes at the Tech. Or, call some local business that
use that kind of equipment, and ask the shop foreman, (or
someone else in that capacity) for the name of a reputable,
local Used Equip't Dealer. Almost anybody willing to sell
you used equip't will turn a 'test bar' (in the case of a
lathe), or machine a test piece (in the case of a milling
machine). You may also get some helpful tips, etc. That
being said, I have not have had any 'really bad' problems
with HFS. I also have had some good experience with ENCO.
You'll get pretty much what you pay for. Best of Luck,
and keep us posted! As for CNC conversion (that puts you
'on-topic'), again, it's more of "you get what you pay
for". If you don't replace the leadscrews with ballscrews,
you usually have sloppy backlash to deal with. If the
machine, itself, is not rigid enough you'll get
inconsistent parts, even with CNC.
more than that): look for some good used equipment. Take
out an ad in a local 'shopper' magazine, or talk to the
instructor at the local Tech School. Maybe, sign up for
some classes at the Tech. Or, call some local business that
use that kind of equipment, and ask the shop foreman, (or
someone else in that capacity) for the name of a reputable,
local Used Equip't Dealer. Almost anybody willing to sell
you used equip't will turn a 'test bar' (in the case of a
lathe), or machine a test piece (in the case of a milling
machine). You may also get some helpful tips, etc. That
being said, I have not have had any 'really bad' problems
with HFS. I also have had some good experience with ENCO.
You'll get pretty much what you pay for. Best of Luck,
and keep us posted! As for CNC conversion (that puts you
'on-topic'), again, it's more of "you get what you pay
for". If you don't replace the leadscrews with ballscrews,
you usually have sloppy backlash to deal with. If the
machine, itself, is not rigid enough you'll get
inconsistent parts, even with CNC.
> From: jdbunn2002 <jd_bunn@...>$1699
> Harbor Freight 12" X 36" Lathe (item #33274) On sale for
> Mill Drilling Machine (item #42827)On sale for $999accuracy?
> Are these machines good for learning and give pretty good
> Would they convert to CNC pretty easy on down the road?
> Anything else in this price range any better?
Discussion Thread
jdbunn2002 <jd_bunn@m...
2003-01-06 17:04:22 UTC
Lathe/Mill Purchase
bdrmachine <bdrmachine@h...
2003-01-06 17:19:51 UTC
Re: Lathe/Mill Purchase
Owen Lloyd
2003-01-06 17:24:53 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Lathe/Mill Purchase
Raymond Heckert
2003-01-06 20:08:15 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Lathe/Mill Purchase
sparkazoid2001 <mark@c...
2003-01-07 08:05:37 UTC
Re: Lathe/Mill Purchase