CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Can someone help me troubleshoot this Kulaga DRO?

on 2003-02-14 09:35:02 UTC
To recap, my Y axis is fine, the X works for about the first 4 inches
of movement, and them reads 136+ inches and doesn't move after that.
I am using the software Dan Mauch sent me with a correct config
file. I have tried this in 2 different machines with the same

I thought that the LS7266-R1 was bad, so I replaced it. (It wasn't,
it still didn't work.)
I thought maybe the 74LS138 chips were bad, so I replaced them.
(They weren't bad, it still didn't work.)
I thought maybe the capacitors I had were bad, so I replaced them
too. (Still no workey)
I have used a multimeter to check my wiring. There are no shorts,
and all the pins have continuity with their respective partners.

My prototype board had two tracks that ran around the perimeter of
the card. I used one as the +5v and one as the -5v. I thought this
might have caused the problem, so I rewired all the voltage leads on
the chips to one post each - and +, then wired those to B29 and B31
respectively. (This didn't change performance either)

One thing I did differently than Tom Kulaga, was how I attached the
DIP sockets. Tom glued his in place. I put a touch of solder on two
pins (not shorting them of course) to solder the socket to the
board. Could this cause my problems?

I have tried using every base address but the ONLY one that works is
200h. All the others tell me that it can't find the card. (Yes I
remembered to change the config file each time I change the address.)

The only thing I haven't replaced is the board itself and the IC
sockets. Do you think they could have been damaged when I soldered
them in place?

On one 74LS138 chip, pin 6 is attached to +5v, but the same pin on
the other chip is attached to A22 on the PC bus. Why is that? Is
that how you read the print too?

I do appreciate your help on this. I am at the ledge and ready to

Discussion Thread

mjohnson43232 <mjohnson@h... 2003-02-14 09:35:02 UTC Can someone help me troubleshoot this Kulaga DRO?