CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: DRO update

on 2000-02-27 18:09:43 UTC

Thanks for the kudos; I tried, but am no real web artist or for that matter
a photographer:)

For me, the performace is more than adequate. Beats the devil out of the
dials and backlash in the screws.

Repeatability "seems" to be very good. I have tried moving the table quite
quickly and also slowly. Have learned NOT to make rapid changes in movement
or especially direction as the error rate jumps rapidly. The biggest
problem seems to be when you "just start" to move and I believe this is
causing pulsation in both directions causing the "jitters" to indicate
errors. I have had to "relocate" some of the holes especially when
changeing tools for the counterbore opeations and from apperances, seems to
be right on. (Hell of a lot closer than when I was using the dials and lead
screws for positioning!) Will try the last idea you propositioned sometime
this week. (gotta work for the money to buy toys ya know!!)

At 08:52 PM 02/27/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>From: Bertho Boman <boman@...>
>Nice Job!
>It is not clear form the pictures but how do you keep dirt out of the box
and how do you wipe the cable?
>How is the performance?
>If you set up a careful "0" mark and then move quickly to the other end
and then quickly back how much error do you see?
>If you do the same thing but slowly?
>Now try really slow in one direction and then quickly back?
>Bertho Boman


Country Bubba

(Actually the inventor of Country and Bubba)

Discussion Thread

A. G. Eckstein 2000-02-27 11:19:24 UTC DRO update Bertho Boman 2000-02-27 17:52:52 UTC Re: DRO update A. G. Eckstein 2000-02-27 18:09:43 UTC Re: DRO update Joe Landau 2000-02-27 21:00:32 UTC Re: DRO update