CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

MORE on : Repeatability of Home switches......

Posted by doug98105
on 2003-04-03 18:57:44 UTC

I've only casually followed this thread, but have actual numbers for
switch repeatability been posted?

IMO, a homing switch is worthless unless it has a repeatability less
than the finest resolution of the machine. If the machine can
program to .0001" then what sense does it make to have a switch with
less resolution/repeatability? I'm curious if any of the common
off-the-shelf switches will be accurate enough.

Has anyone come up with a sure fire way to ACCURATELY home an open
loop stepper axis?



Discussion Thread

doug98105 2003-04-03 18:57:44 UTC MORE on : Repeatability of Home switches...... Peter Homann 2003-04-03 19:45:57 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MORE on : Repeatability of Home switches......