CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Old Lead Screws & stepper motor size

Posted by robertokx
on 2003-04-19 17:43:04 UTC
I am in the process of gathering materials to build a CNC machine.
As usual its on a budget so I've started by searching local scrap
yards etc for possible parts. I've come across a number of lead
screws from scraped machinery - lathes and the like. Most however are
large ie 1 inch in diameter, 4 ft long, 4 or 5 turns per inch.
The questions:

Is there any reason why old leadscrews can't be used? What should I
be looking out for/ avoiding all together?

The CNC table size I'm looking at 2' x 3' and have been considering
stepper motors with a torque of between 150 to 200 oz in (these are
available at a reasonable price). My plan is to use the table to cut
soft materials such as balsa, foam etc.

Will these large lead screws be too big in terms of inertia etc?


Discussion Thread

robertokx 2003-04-19 17:43:04 UTC Old Lead Screws & stepper motor size