CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Digital Scale (slightly off topic)

Posted by vrsculptor
on 2003-06-13 14:52:50 UTC
One of my other
> projects would benifit from a small (say 1" X 1") absolute
positioning joy
> stick type thing. Has anyone run across something too small,
> (ergo cheap) to use? Like say 256 ticks in an linear inch or in
> 90 degrees or so of arc
Try an optical mouse. Already interfaced to a computer. I think 400
clcks per inch or there abut. Should be stuff in archives.


Discussion Thread

Jeff Jones 2003-06-13 13:54:56 UTC Digital Scale (slightly off topic) vrsculptor 2003-06-13 14:52:50 UTC Re: Digital Scale (slightly off topic) Jeff Jones 2003-06-16 13:47:06 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Digital Scale (slightly off topic)