CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: lathe spindle motor

Posted by Andrew Mawson
on 2003-08-04 10:41:50 UTC
--- In, "madmike43613" <mmanrow@b...>
> I am in the process of converting an old atlas 6" lathe to cnc. The
> spindle motor that is on it now is a 1/3 hp. ac motor. To be able
> use an encoder on the spindle (for threading) would it be wise to
> switch to a dc motor? . I am very familiar with 4 axis cnc milling
> but this lathe thing is throwing me.
> Thanks,
> Mike


Although it rather depends what driver software you are planning to
use, don't forget that the encoder is being used to reference the
spindle motion, and (usually) the z drive is slaved to that, so it
matters not a lot what actually turns the spindle, so long as you can
get it in the right speed range with adequate torge.

TurboCNC for instance only needs a single pulse per spindle
revolution to thread ok.

Andrew Mawson
Bromley, Kent, UK

Discussion Thread

madmike43613 2003-08-04 09:59:54 UTC lathe spindle motor Andrew Mawson 2003-08-04 10:41:50 UTC Re: lathe spindle motor