Posted by
Jon Anderson
on 2000-03-21 08:01:54 UTC
That doesn't sound right at all. I never had a problem with M6 working
properly with my Max software. Only thing I might suggest, and I'm sure
you're doing this, but check to make sure you are canceling any active
tool offsets before the M6. It's been a while since I was running that
software so I can't recall the exact details, but on occasion it would
do something really strange, like move an axis that wasn't commanded,
and do it consistently. There are some bugs floating around in that
Ron Ginger wrote:
That doesn't sound right at all. I never had a problem with M6 working
properly with my Max software. Only thing I might suggest, and I'm sure
you're doing this, but check to make sure you are canceling any active
tool offsets before the M6. It's been a while since I was running that
software so I can't recall the exact details, but on occasion it would
do something really strange, like move an axis that wasn't commanded,
and do it consistently. There are some bugs floating around in that
Ron Ginger wrote:
> From: Ron Ginger <ginger@...>
> Im using the maxnc software, step and direction version, that has cutter
> comp. Im not sure of the proper name for this version.
> The parameters setup program has a line that can be turned on that is
> supposed to cause the program to halt and prompt for a tool change when
> it finds an M6 code. I turned that on, but when it halts it seems to be
> in a hang- the prompt is rapidly refreshing, hard to read, and nothing I
> do gets out of it- I have to reboot the machine.
> I need this feature since Ive made my machine only a 2D machine.
> IS htis a known bug, or amI mising something?
> ron
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Discussion Thread
Jon Anderson
2000-03-21 08:01:54 UTC
Dan Mauch
2000-03-21 11:18:14 UTC