Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: cnc tube bender
Posted by
Tyson S.
on 2003-10-02 07:50:27 UTC
Couldn't a set of pyramid rolls that are narrow
and cut concave (like 3 wheels) instead of the wide
flat rolls be programmed to adjust for the amount of
pinch and how far to roll, be done by CNC? I saw a
power driven tube roll like this, but was not CNC, it
was done by manual measurment and calcalations. Maybe
the R&D on how much each type of material, I.E. wall
thickness, metal type, etc. would react to a given set
of bending instructions would be too much to try and
figure out and preload into software??
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and cut concave (like 3 wheels) instead of the wide
flat rolls be programmed to adjust for the amount of
pinch and how far to roll, be done by CNC? I saw a
power driven tube roll like this, but was not CNC, it
was done by manual measurment and calcalations. Maybe
the R&D on how much each type of material, I.E. wall
thickness, metal type, etc. would react to a given set
of bending instructions would be too much to try and
figure out and preload into software??
> I know a little about CNC tubing benders.=====
> Basically, they aren't
> much more than an automated bender that can
> accurately repeat the
> angles and planes of bends on a run of tubes.
> Unfortunately, for
> quality bending they still require the same sets of
> expensive hard
> tooling for each tube diameter and bend radius as a
> manual tubing
> bender. A set of the dies for a particular diameter
> tubing and bend
> radius can easily be $2K+.
> If someone could come up with bender tooling such
> that the bend
> radius could be varied under computer control they'd
> really have
> something. AFAIK, this has never been done. The
> closest I've seen
> are benders with multiple sets of dies of different
> bend radii
> mounted with die (radius) selection under computer
> control.
> Doug
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Discussion Thread
penn king
2003-10-01 19:40:23 UTC
cnc tube bender
2003-10-01 22:33:37 UTC
Re: cnc tube bender
2003-10-02 05:48:48 UTC
Re: cnc tube bender
2003-10-02 06:00:30 UTC
Re: cnc tube bender(more)
Tyson S.
2003-10-02 07:50:27 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: cnc tube bender