CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Free Linux CAD

Posted by nanmol
on 2003-11-04 07:52:14 UTC
Synergy is a multiplatform CAD/CAM system designed for manufacturing.
You can download from our web-site at

For this release, the following platforms have been tested:

RedHat 9.0
Mandrake 9.1
Slackware 9.0


OpenGL is used for rendering operations. All testing has been done
using graphics cards using the nVidia chipset with OpenGL driver from

INSTALLING Synergy Version 15.2 FOR X11

You may need to be logged in as root, depending on the permissions of
the directories.

1. The archive is available in 2 forms.
1) synergy.tar.gz is the full system with example files. ~40Mb
2) synergy.nosamples.tar.gz is the core system without example
files. ~20Mb
examples.tar.gz are the example files ~20Mb

1. Unpack the archive if you have not done so already:

cd /tmp
gunzip synergy.tar.gz # uncompress the archive
- or -
gunzip synergy.nosamples.tar.gz # uncompress the archive
tar xf synergy.tar # unpack it

mv weber /usr # /usr is the default, this release will find
# wherever it is placed in the filesystem.

For the remainder of this document, _WEBER_ will refer to the
that you place the weber directory.

This creates the directory /_WEBER_/weber containing the files
from the archive.

The main executable is located in the /_WEBER_/bin directory.


Synergy needs to know where the weber directory is in the
It will attempt to find it based on the following steps:
1) If Synergy was invoked by absolute path
(i.e. /usr/weber/bin/synergy ),
the weber directory should be up three levels. (i.e. /usr )
2) If Synergy was invoked by relative path (i.e. ./synergy ), the
directory should be up three levels from the current directory.
3) If Synergy was invoked by its name (i.e. synergy ), the file
has to be determined using the PATH environment variable. This
the preferred efficient method.
4) If the first 3 methods fail to locate weber, Synergy will scan
directories: /opt, /usr, /home, /tmp to find the weber

2. ( Optional )
Set the PATH environment variable in the file .profile (or .login,
depending on your shell) in your home directory. Create the
file if it is not there already.

This is done like this:

In .profile (if your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or sh), add the
following lines:


export PATH

In .login (in case your shell is csh or tcsh), add the following

setenv PATH $PATH:/_WEBER_/weber/bin

After you have done this, you will need to login again, or
re-source the profile before continuing, so that at least $PATH
is set.
Without this synergy will halt with an error message.

3. Run /_WEBER_/weber/bin/synergy

Synergy requires an access code to run.

When Synergy starts for the first time, it will display a message
an ID key and a Version number. These numbers are needed to
generate the
access code unique to this installation.
To get an access code, call Weber Systems at (262)-782-0181
or email the ID number and Version number to
support@... .



ALL Synergy files are placed in the /_WEBER_/weber tree.
To completely remove Synergy, use:
rm -r /_WEBER_/weber


Known bugs as of 09/08/2003

IGES output not available.
ToolTips are not implemented.
Printing resolution not configurable.
Plotting ( HPGL ) output only available thru command line.
Utility Kits ( user configurable menus ) not available.
Context menu not configurable.
OpenGL global settings widget not available.
Some help pages display improperly.
Help pages with search ability not functional.
NC Document html pages not functional.
Message boxes cause flashing when raised.
FileDialog doesn't refresh properly when scrolled.
Graphics area not refreshing properly when resized or
Input line should use a message box when there are too many
Layer Box not responding to right mouse button.

Discussion Thread

nanmol 2003-11-04 07:52:14 UTC Free Linux CAD