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Re: Latest Pendant design with wiring diagram W/Keyboard Emulator

Posted by Charles Hixon
on 2003-11-09 07:40:18 UTC
I'm not authorized to see that url, but I had given terminal
emulators a thought since I saw someone marketing one for around
$250. All that was was an old desktop scientific calculator,
apparently gutted and replaced with standard keyboard keys. I
thought of gutting my old Teal SR85, but discovered that the
calculator museum wants it. So there I am a slave to my obsolete
surplus. Maybe an old gutted cell phone would work. I believe you
can't beat a standard $5 keyboard. If you want something special,
turn the keys 90 degrees and hold the keyboard sideways, or saw it
in two. Now that's progress. Charles Hixon
--- In, "washcomp" <jeff@w...> wrote:
> I've been working for a number of weeks on the concept of using a
> terminal emulator (such as the IPAC-4 or the Hagstom KE-72 among
> many others) to eliminate much of the control wiring which we are
> used to stringing around our machines. My tool is a Brideport 2J
> give a sense of scale, but the concept will work on both larger
> smaller tools. The design is with MACH2 in mind, but should be
> pretty generic as the control is hardware multiplexed based.
> OK, actually got the chance to put the wiring diagram on paper.
> I've posted it along with my latest idea for a control pendant.
> using a keyboard emulator, my diagram went from something that
> looked like a bowl of spagetti thrown against the wall to a svelt
> almost blank piece of paper.
> I'm not sure what the Spindle-Auto is connected to (my diagram was
> wrong, so I'll have to physicaly check it out).
> If anyone has any suggestions, please be brually honest as I'm
> getting close to tearing out my current control wireing (working :-
> and putting this stuff in place.
> Whoever said "if it aint broke don't fix it"?
> Posting may be seen at:
> 20Pendant%20for%20comment/
> Regards,
> Jeff

Discussion Thread

washcomp 2003-11-08 23:21:01 UTC Latest Pendant design with wiring diagram W/Keyboard Emulator Charles Hixon 2003-11-09 07:40:18 UTC Re: Latest Pendant design with wiring diagram W/Keyboard Emulator