CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by doug98105
on 2003-12-04 06:44:31 UTC
--- In, "Raymond Heckert" <jnr@a...>
> TREE has for years a very good reputation for quality... Dynapath
is a
> 'closed' type of software, but they've been in business for at
least 10
> years, and that implies they make a saleable product. If this
begins to
> drift off topic, let's gather at the ml, or mw lists, or Russ
> Model-Eng(ineering) list.
> RayHex

I believe Dynapath is one of the oldest commercial control makers.
From my experience, in years past the company was it's own worst
enemy possibly explaining why the control usage wasn't more

Yes, it is "closed", but aren't all commercial controls that way?
Wouldn't it be business suicide to produce an "open" controller?


Discussion Thread

fuddham@a... 2003-12-03 12:24:49 UTC TREE VMC doug98105 2003-12-03 15:28:03 UTC Re: TREE VMC Douglas Pollard 2003-12-03 16:46:54 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] TREE VMC Raymond Heckert 2003-12-03 19:19:57 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] TREE VMC Markwayne 2003-12-03 21:24:46 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] TREE VMC doug98105 2003-12-04 06:44:31 UTC Re: TREE VMC Dan Mauch 2003-12-04 07:18:06 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] TREE VMC Raymond Heckert 2003-12-05 17:01:31 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: TREE VMC doug98105 2003-12-05 20:34:19 UTC Re: TREE VMC