CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

dxf to g-code conversion problem

Posted by rarebyte2000
on 2003-12-07 10:41:09 UTC
I am using K-Kam4 to convert autocad dxf files to g-code. I
generally have no problem with the code, just a few fix ups in the
direction that arcs are cut and the order of cutting. However, I
have a problem with a file that I am trying to convert now. The
file cuts a 2d shape that is drawn in metric. When I import it into
K-Kam the code produced puts the lines all over. That is they are
no longer conected (I filleted each end of the a line to the next
and checked to be sure that there are no joining errors.) and are
not in the original quadrant (X+,Y+). I have tried importing small
sections and the entire drawing at once. Are there any precautions
needed when working in metric? I generally work in inches but I am
trying to change to metric. I have change K-Kam to metric and set
my table settings to the correct size. I use AutoCad 2004 and I
have tried converting the files with Master 5 and Mach 1 with
similar results. Any Ideas?

Thank you.

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rarebyte2000 2003-12-07 10:41:09 UTC dxf to g-code conversion problem