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Servo ID Help Needed

Posted by cdifani
on 2004-06-08 14:21:45 UTC

I came across three of these, and in the true spirit of a confirmed toolaholic, I had to buy them. They are Superior Electric Company motors, look like servos since they have an encoder on their top, with a 5 pin plug. The motor is 6 wire and has these numbers on it:

"Type No. SM-024-0035-TG", then
"Part No. 4020-635-153", followed by;
"Cust. No. 3140-0808", then
"Res./PH. 4.6 INSUL./Class F"

Physically they're 2" in diameter, and 2.2" long, not including the encoder part.

I went to the Superior Electric Company web site (, where I learned that they sold their Slo Syn stepper operations to Danaher something or other. I followed their link, and searched that web site, lots of info, but nothing that seemed to apply to this motor. This motor is somewhere between a NEMA 23 and 34 stepper in size, and is definitely NOT a stepper. But more than that, heck if I know....

If anyone has any info, can point me to the right link, or web site, I will be forever grateful and appreciative.... for a long, long time... or until I fall asleep and forget about this.....


Chris Difani
Sacramento, CA

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cdifani 2004-06-08 14:21:45 UTC Servo ID Help Needed