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Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] New guy needs Purchasing advice

Posted by Harvey White
on 2004-06-30 12:22:19 UTC
On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 10:13:10 CDT, you wrote:

>I have done a little looking around at the various hobbyist/Modeling lathes
>out there. I think that I am leaning toward the 9x20 (9x19) size variety
>or possibly a 11x 26.

I'll try to help, but I don't have the 8x, 9x, or larger lathes, I do
have a 7x lathe and a unimat.

>So now I would just like to buy one. I don’t think that buying a used
>older American lathe is the best idea for me. I don’t want to buy it
>on-line for the lack of being able to inspect it and the super expense of
>shipping it. Do you think that one of these Chinese lathes would be a
>good investment? I am a little concerned. Most people seem to agree that
>the 7x10 or 7x12 import lathes have a better design then there 9x20 counter
>Is this true? Something about the same size spindle bore, no low (back?)
>gear, and no carriage reverse lever. I just think that the 7x 12 is too

9x and 7x have the same spindle bore size. 9x comes with a 5 inch
chuck, 7x will take a 4.

I understand that the lack of a back gear can be fixed reasonably
well, ditto with the carriage reverse lever. Many threads on the 9x
are cut by using the gearbox, the 7x needs to be set up for each
thread pitch.

7x has two geared speeds, and reversing feed.

9x is more robustly built, but the same size spindle bore is a
problem. You can obtain the 7x in 12 and 14 inch designs, and has a conversion kit for the bed that will
make it a 14 inch lathe. The remaining (old) bed can be added and the
leadscrew stretched... useful if you already have one of these lathes.

There is supposed to be a cross slide design problem on the 9x. The
7x will need some trimming and adjusting for best operation. A
camlock on the 7x is recommended (and easy to make).

>Are most these lathes the same, produced at the same factory but shipped to
>different venders?

Almost all except the Cummings lathe, yes. Various designs, but
essentially the same lathe. (7x)

>Or, are they just similar copies of the “same” lathe?

No, the only different one is the Cummings, and that's not that
different (a little better, some say).

>Where did the original design come from?

Don't know. Try for a comparison and more
>I hear that there are also verities of the 9x20 that are not “clones” and
>are a fresh design.

If so, you might be talking about the 8x14 or so. I've heard some
people love it, others hate it. Check the features for the price.

>Do these designs lack some of the down falls of the
>“clone” lathes? What should I be consider about when trying to decide if I
>want to buy one of these? These are hard to find, do you have any sources?

Don't know about any of the above, I'd go for fit, finish, spare
parts, capacity, capability, and as many reviews as possible.

The 8x lathe is a knock off (I think) of an old emco-meyer lathe that
did not have the original faults fixed in the copy.

>What do you guys think of Sherline lathes?

Nice, $$$$, small.

>What do you guys think of 11x26 lathes?

I want one. I have no place to put it.
>7x10, 7x12 $400 - $550 (max $650)
HF: 329.00 when on sale (lowest).
Homier probably 299. (if you can find them)
Cummings, perhaps 399, but lots of accessories (think that's right),

>8x18 $600

don't know

>9x20 $800 - $950

often on sale for 599 (harbor freight)

>11x26 $1100

not sure, thought it was a bit more, say 1299?
>I would eventually like to CNC it too. Any advice?

7x has been cnc'd, I think. Not sure of the details

>Thank you,

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mart0784 2004-06-30 08:13:14 UTC [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] New guy needs Purchasing advice Harvey White 2004-06-30 12:22:19 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] New guy needs Purchasing advice