Re: 5 axis wizard
Posted by
on 2004-07-30 15:14:35 UTC
I think Bob is talking about Rainea Graphics (somewhere in the
British Isles...I think). Go to:
Rab also has a CNCTool kit that generates 5 axis code from a graphics
package called 3DS Max. CNCToolKit has a Yahoo group as well.
--- In, "Mike Rainone" <mrain1@p...>
British Isles...I think). Go to:
Rab also has a CNCTool kit that generates 5 axis code from a graphics
package called 3DS Max. CNCToolKit has a Yahoo group as well.
--- In, "Mike Rainone" <mrain1@p...>
> Hello, Groupsomeone in
> I was just talking to Bob Campbell about 5 axis and he said that
> this group, maybe in England had built a 5 axis router. Does anyonehave a
> link to his website?
> Thanks,
> ---
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Discussion Thread
Mike Rainone
2004-07-30 14:05:11 UTC
5 axis wizard
2004-07-30 15:14:35 UTC
Re: 5 axis wizard