prototrak question
Posted by
on 2004-10-17 12:47:16 UTC
I would like some info or assistance regarding use of RS232 for an
older prototrak. I am a hobbyist at this, and trying to learn some
machining. Where I work we have bridgeports with ProtoTrak controls.
I read the manuals, which state "load file" and "save file"
from "com1"
There is no instructions about the file format.. is it g-code?
Is there I way a can construct tool moves in a text editor and then
down load the programmed tool moves to the ProtoTrak?
if possible, send direct e-mail replies are appreciated
to "nltnme_2@..."
Thanks in advance for assistance.
older prototrak. I am a hobbyist at this, and trying to learn some
machining. Where I work we have bridgeports with ProtoTrak controls.
I read the manuals, which state "load file" and "save file"
from "com1"
There is no instructions about the file format.. is it g-code?
Is there I way a can construct tool moves in a text editor and then
down load the programmed tool moves to the ProtoTrak?
if possible, send direct e-mail replies are appreciated
to "nltnme_2@..."
Thanks in advance for assistance.