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Off Topic posts.

Posted by John Labutski
on 2004-12-25 09:24:39 UTC
Attn: Turbulatordude.

I have to disagree with a small portion of your earlier comments.
Many things are ordered and shipped nowadays via the internet from
all over the world. Heck, I have had shipping problems from Australia
cleared up in less than two weeks and they are at the bottom of the
world. Also, I have had products from Japan sent over, repaired and
back in less than 3 weeks. Canada is a right next door.

It is important that all suppliers are held to high standards and
problem resolution in a timely fashion. I personally feel that a
supplier is responsible to get you a product that you have paid for.
As long as it was not misrepresented in advertising and does what it
is supposed to do, then the supplier has met his commitment. If
however, you never receive a product that you paid for, you then have
a legitimate gripe. I think that suppliers need to assume a chunk of
the reponsibility for non-delivery. I realize as a moderator, you
have a difficult path to walk. However, after 35 years in business,
I have found that a happy customer leads to increased sales. An
irritated customer can radically reduce sales. There is an abundance
of sellers that use paypal because its easy to do without going to
their bank to setup Visa/Mastercharge and setting up a secure site.
However, only in certain cases is it wise to do business with these
firms unless they have a legitimate mailing address and/or phone
number. Having monitored the growth of internet business firms over
the past few years, I have found that problem resolution is the key
to many who are now very successful. I also realize that sometimes
the supplier has to eat a loss that may not be his fault. But that
is a fact of life in business. Its sort of like "Harry Truman said:
If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen!". I am hoping
Andrew and Paul can resolve this peacefully.

Happy Holidays

John Ocala Florida

Discussion Thread

John Labutski 2004-12-25 09:24:39 UTC Off Topic posts.