CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Servo Motors, Your Opinions Please

Posted by dmedlin1963
on 2005-05-05 14:07:58 UTC
Will everyone take a look at the contollers on this site for robot
contols, also the motors of this

I watched a wheelchair with a 200 lbs student onboard powered by these
motors go up a hill faster than anyone could run. The wheelchair was
built as a senior design project by the ME students at Ohio Univ.

The motors are priced right, but can they be used to move the table
and the knee on a 10 x 54 Bridgeport?

Let me know what you think.

Daniel T. Medlin

Discussion Thread

dmedlin1963 2005-05-05 14:07:58 UTC Servo Motors, Your Opinions Please Les Newell 2005-05-05 15:56:42 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Servo Motors, Your Opinions Please