Re: Hektor CNC clone in SVG
Posted by
on 2005-06-16 20:48:57 UTC
I am very interested in any information you could share about your
SVG clone of Hektor. I learned SVG for a computer graphics class.
Nice stuff and completely transferable to all platforms.
--- In, Thomas Powderly <tomp-
tag@s...> wrote:
I am very interested in any information you could share about your
SVG clone of Hektor. I learned SVG for a computer graphics class.
Nice stuff and completely transferable to all platforms.
--- In, Thomas Powderly <tomp-
tag@s...> wrote:
> Hi,triangle)
> (concerns simple 2 axis CNC spray painter Hektor )
> I was impressed with Hektor,
> last nite I whacked this up in SVG
> (see the posts on Hektor on yahoo group site)
> ( and
> The important thing is:
> The cogged cable has extra length in a kind of auto rollup device
> to the outside of each of the 2 motors.
> Wether stepper or servo, you just count cogs.
> The thing to be aware of is the length from motor to spray can
> (represented by the 2 arc & 2 radii)
> the angle takes care of itself (doh! the can sinks to bot of
> the sum of the 2 radii is longest at bot corners of wall
> that determines how much cable you need
> the shortest length is when can is along top edge of wall
> that determines your take up reel size
> The edges are the worst place to go
> requiring better motor mounts
> this is ruf, but the code has what's needed for the control
> and svg is just too kewl
> the dro shows the 2 ray lengths
> i feed the system X,Y catesian,
> and get back 2 polars (at diiferent poles)
> The poles are determined by the wal width & height
> staggerlytom
> (new id for tomp_tag)
> ( never even saw this are cuz I never had yahoo
> weird place for linuxers aint it?? )
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Discussion Thread
Thomas Powderly
2005-06-16 08:05:50 UTC
Hektor CNC clone in SVG
2005-06-16 20:48:57 UTC
Re: Hektor CNC clone in SVG