CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

CNC Sherline

Posted by Andrew Werby
on 2000-06-22 11:26:27 UTC
Message: 6
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 17:33:11 -0700
From: Jon Anderson <janders@...>
Subject: Re: CNC Sharline


I use a highly modified MaxNC, my dad uses a Sherline I cnc'd for him.
We both use this in the course of making a living. I really thought the
Max was the better, more rigid machine. Theoretically perhaps it is, but
I find the gib adjustment is very touchy, and it's prone to loosening up
if you get into any chatter.


[I ended up using Loctite in the gibs screws for the z-axis. This helped
with the problem I also had of the screws vibrating loose in the middle of
an operation. The others didn't seem to do it- but being up there with the
motor made the z-axis gibs prone to this.]

Andrew Werby - United Artworks
Sculpture, Jewelry, and Other Art Stuff

Discussion Thread

Andrew Werby 2000-06-22 11:26:27 UTC CNC Sherline