CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] "hexapod" mill

Posted by Simon Arthur
on 2005-09-23 11:24:58 UTC
Carl Mikkelsen, Oasis wrote:

>What are you using for motion planning and tool path generation? I
>have a couple programs that convert rasters of surface depth to tool
>paths, and some utilities to do simple operations (cut holes, rings,
>rectangles, spherical sections).
My RoboFac software can use standard G-Code to run a hexapod. Therefore,
any CAM program should work for path generation. The website is

>Anyway, I've been working on some of the practical aspects of hexapod
>machines for a few years now, and would be more than please to
>listen, talk, and share.
You're the one who really got me thinking about building a hexapod in
the first place. I believe that I mention you in both parts 1 and 3 of
the Servo articles.

Discussion Thread

Carl Mikkelsen, Oasis 2005-09-23 05:13:10 UTC "hexapod" mill Simon Arthur 2005-09-23 11:24:58 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] "hexapod" mill