CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Need THK file

Posted by caudlet
on 2005-12-17 10:36:06 UTC
Does anybody have the DXF cad file for the RSR THK series on their
small slides. An attempt to signup to access their CAD files on line
just resulted in being targeted by their local rep (fortunately I did
not use my real phone number) via e-mails. I just need their "stinkin"
DXF file for the slides!


Tom Caudle
"We just made CNC easier!"

Hardware for Home Shop CNC:
Low cost, powered/isolated, breakout card
AC and DC "Drive Saver" power controls
2nd Generation digital THC

Discussion Thread

caudlet 2005-12-17 10:36:06 UTC Need THK file CNCQuest 2005-12-17 18:17:22 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Need THK file