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looking for pinout on fanuc brushless servo

Posted by skykotech
on 2005-12-20 21:43:31 UTC
Does anyone have the pinout of the 17 pin connector for a red cap
Fanuc brushless servo motor, model A06B-0512-B504?

The pulse coder inside the cap is labeled: A860-0315-T101 2000P

I found some information on alpha series motors that had a pinout for
a 17 pin connector, but continuity tests on the pins it says should be
grounds do not quite match up.

Also, any information about how this motor gives commutation
information to the drive would be helpfull. I think perhaps the z
track or some other track has codings for the commutation. It is an 8
pole motor.



Discussion Thread

skykotech 2005-12-20 21:43:31 UTC looking for pinout on fanuc brushless servo