CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: CAD & Vector

Posted by Fred Smith
on 2000-06-30 05:20:58 UTC
John S. said some stuff, which I clipped to to shorten my posting:

>I'm probably going to upset Fred here but never mind <g>
>I have yet to see a CAD/CAM package where the CAD side is on a par with
>genuine CAD packages. If you had to earn a living drawing with the CAD side
>of most CAD /CAM packages you would either commit suicide or go bankrupt.
>Dragging down menu's, tabbing between dialog boxes and copy / pasting tales

I absolutely agree with you. Did I hear something about a very high suicide rate amongst Autocad users?

>A lot of these program don't have 'sticky ' keys that allow you to select
>the last used command again. Others don't have the zoom or view all command
>transparent so if you zoom in you loose what you were doing.
>I 'own' three CAD/CAM packages and I still draw in a CAD program and import
>in as a DXF. It's far quicker.

John, you know the only thing that really upsets me about the Cad-Cam business is misrepresentation to get a sale, at my expense.
Vector has hot keys for the experienced and frequent user and menus for the occasional and new user. It's "sticky" key is a Repeat button (F4 hot key) that not only selects the last used command, but also retains all the dialog entries that were last used. It doesn't execute the command, just displays the dialog so that you can change or review the entry to get the desired result.

If you have to sit at a CAD workstation all day making drawings, don't buy Vector (for your day job anyway). However don't ask me to make a recommendation either, because my recommendation is to find another line of work! ;-)

If you need to make a few drawings per day, or program a few parts per day(or less) a low cost Cad-Cam system is a perfect balance between a long learning curve and expensive software package and possible efficiency improvements, versus a much shorter learning curve with very good economic payback and capability.

My preference is Vector because it has more of what I need for my machining requirements, than any other package in the same price range. I also have some input into the direction of improvements and "fixes". Centriforce listens when I make a suggestion, or relay a message from one of our customers. With the rotary axis option, Vfontz carving/engraving, and the soon to be released surfacing option, Vector will have more capability than many systems costing 3-5 times as much, let alone any program in the same price range.

Vector does accomodate drawings made in other CAD systems with an excellent DXF import capability. It will directly import the 3D face DXF files generated by the Picza Scanner for instance. It also does very well with Autocad2000 DXF files, supporting many of the dimensioning and annotation entities.

As an aside, we have a few pictures of work done with Vfontz that will be on the web site by about noon today. (at least 4)

Best Regards, Fred Smith- IMService
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Discussion Thread

Fred Smith 2000-06-30 05:20:58 UTC Re: CAD & Vector