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Re: 4 Stepper Controller

Posted by Kevin Bennett
on 2006-02-25 19:38:06 UTC
Hi Bill,

Very interesting article - I think you'll find it only applies to
quite small stepper motors, the L293 driver chip they use will only
supply about 1Amp - most CNC machines will need 3 or 4 times (at
least!) that.
Having said that I don't see any reason why the same technique
couldn't be used with bigger drivers.

--- In, Bill Vance <ccq@...> wrote:
> Howdy folks;
> I'm not sure how it stacks up against whatever you might be doing
now, but this
> months EDN, (Electronic Design News), has a circuit for a 4 Stepper,
8 switch
> controller that might be of interest. Go to:
> Click on, "Design Ideas", and scroll down to the article:
> "PC's parallel port and a PLD host multiple stepper motors and
> Looks pretty simple.
> Bill
> --
> * *
> RKBA! * Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!! *
> * *
> An _EFFECTIVE_ | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who
hath no
> weapon in every | by Colt; | --Max Planck | weapon,
sell his
> hand = Freedom | Dial | In the beginning was the | garment,
and buy a
> on every side!! | 1-911-A1 | Word. --The Holy Bible | sword.
--Jesus Christ
> Constitutional Government is dead! LONG LIVE THE

Discussion Thread

Bill Vance 2006-02-24 15:25:55 UTC 4 Stepper Controller Kevin Bennett 2006-02-25 19:38:06 UTC Re: 4 Stepper Controller