CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Dyna Myte 3000, more help needed

Posted by skullworks
on 2006-03-01 21:52:35 UTC
--- In, "erezra" <erazz@...> wrote:
> Hi again,
> Well, I finally managed to get the machine working and to
> with it via the Dynacomm program thanks to the help of the people
> this group.
> Thanks!
> I still need a bit more help though.
> I enter the download menu: Ready, Line No, RS232, Download, Prog
> After I load the program I have to turn the machine off because no
> will have any effect. How do I overcome this?
> Thanks again,
> Erez Raviv

Did you have an appropriate EOF character?

Many controls expect a "%" at begining and end of a file.

Some will just time out at the end of file waiting for the EOF (end
of file) marker. Others you can cancel (which may dump
the "incomplete" file).

Fanuc's want % at each end.
Hurco's want % to start and "E" to end.

Find out if the program you are sending is in the proger "tape"
format, and that the other parameters are correct. ( Eg: 7 data, 2
stop, even parity, 2400 baud)

Discussion Thread

erezra 2006-03-01 11:00:40 UTC Dyna Myte 3000, more help needed skullworks 2006-03-01 21:52:35 UTC Re: Dyna Myte 3000, more help needed