CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Electrical Diagram, Ladder Diagram, Parts List for Kitamura MyCenter3x Fanuc OMC

Posted by datagarbage2
on 2006-03-16 08:08:51 UTC
I am working as Assistant Plant Manager in a leading company in
Malaysia dealing with manufacturing Stamping Moulds. Lately we finds
one of our machine "Kitamura MyCenter 3x Fanuc OMC" malfunctioning
more often.
The Engineer, whom we called to repair the machine needs the
Electrical Diagram, Ladder Diagram & Part List of the machine. As we
bought the machine as second-hand, we dont have those documents.

If anybody have the Electrical Diagram, Wiring Diagram, Ladder
Diagram and Part List for the machine "Kitamura MyCenter 3x Fanuc
OMC", help us by faxing or mailing those documents to us. If there
is any constraint in sending, Please let me know. We will definitely
consider the requirement. If you have not, please suggest us a best
way to obtain them.

Thanks for your time & consideration,

Sudarsan K

Discussion Thread

datagarbage2 2006-03-16 08:08:51 UTC Electrical Diagram, Ladder Diagram, Parts List for Kitamura MyCenter3x Fanuc OMC S E 2006-03-16 18:49:53 UTC Electrical Diagram, Ladder Diagram, Parts List for Kitamura MyCenter3x Fanuc OMC S E 2006-03-16 18:50:40 UTC Electrical Diagram, Ladder Diagram, Parts List for Kitamura MyCenter3x Fanuc OMC