CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: W.E.T.Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options

Posted by Lester Caine
on 2006-06-27 00:01:04 UTC
wthomas@... wrote:

> Hi Lester and All:
> I even fight with AutoCAD and have not found out how to always be
> able to adjust the dimension location on vertical dimensions. It
> only work part time for me in R14 or 2000. I end up exploding the
> dimension, then moving the figures up or down, then extending and
> trimming the lines. How do you do it? Also leaders can be a pain as
> you may be able to stretch them but not rotate them. Any methods you
> use except do it over and erase the bad ones.

I need to check with Paul next door. I use R13.4 still and need to use
the same tricks sometimes. But when I'm watching over Paul's shoulder he
just pulls those bits round as he needs to. Overkill for me, but he
prefers to see a drawing tidy before he lets me have it ;)

> I have worked with Catia, Unigraphics, and a couple of older
> low end CAD software and it is always a pain to dimension. The
> automatic dimensioning just does not always work. It is just like
> manuel drawing, it takes as long or more to properly dimension the
> drawing as it does to draw it.

Paul works mainly in Pro-E but has to drop the drawings to ACAD to tidy
up dimensions and 2D views. He tells me that the latest move by the
American company he works for is to change from Pro-E to Catia so he
expects a year of pain while he converts. Except all the drawings are
still in Pro-E and panics mean that conversion takes second place to
mods - so he does not switch on Catia :)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Treasurer - Firebird Foundation Inc. -

Discussion Thread

Lester Caine 2006-06-27 00:01:04 UTC Re: W.E.T.Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Software options