CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by Jon Elson
on 1999-06-15 23:30:10 UTC
Ron Ginger wrote:

> From: Ron Ginger <ginger@...>
> I am very interested in EMC. Id like to tinker with the GUI part of the
> system- Ive done a Mill Power kind of clone alerady under Win95, Id like
> to move that to EMC, maybe with Tk or Java. I assume there is a
> programmer interface- API- soewhere in EMC that can be used this way,
> but so far I havent found any docs about it.

See : for a picture of the
screen. (This is from a month or two ago, they've been improving it still.)

> can soeone give me a pointer to the right docs?

Umm, there is some documentation in the full installation package, but not
much on the UI itself. If you have specific questions, I'd be glad to answer
them, as I use it, and have done some serious poking around inside the UI
before Fred got it working so well.

> What seems to be really missing to me is a sort of overview doc that
> describes all the pieces and how they work together- the WEB page junps
> right to a description of an .ini file and lots of gory details, but
> never explains the basic structure of things.

Yup, and it is out of date, too (unless it's been updated recently, which may
be the case). There really is kind of an overview in there somewhere, that
shows the flow of messages between major components, and what, in
general, those components do. But, there could be more detail added.


Discussion Thread

Ron Ginger 1999-06-15 19:48:37 UTC EMC API? Jon Elson 1999-06-15 23:30:10 UTC Re: EMC API? mike grady 1999-06-16 01:08:46 UTC Re: EMC API? shackle@x... 1999-06-16 05:51:25 UTC Re: EMC API?