CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

D2nc release V1.2

Posted by Graham Hollis
on 2006-11-21 17:56:08 UTC
Version 1.2 of D2nc is online at

There have been several major changes since the last release. The display
routines has been completely rewritten using OpenGL graphics which improves
the look and feel of the program. There is enhanced functionally in the
shape description language with the introduction of a tangent line function.
Examples of its use is in the tutorial. The installer has been improved to
allow a standalone install of D2nc so you can run it from the desktop or
launch it from with in Mach3. A modified Mach3 screen set for Mach3 V2.x
which adds D2nc integration is included.

The website has seen some changes. There are now screenshots along with a
brief video demo of D2nc in use, as well as some sample shape definitions
showing the power of the shape description language. I hope to add more
videos in the near future.

To celebrate this new release I have a promotional price through the end of
the year. I welcome any and all feedback or suggestions.

Many thanks,

Discussion Thread

Graham Hollis 2006-11-21 17:56:08 UTC D2nc release V1.2