CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: USB and ncPOD system

on 2007-05-24 15:26:57 UTC
The main problem I can see with Linux is not so much the operating system but the people who are putting this forward.

Now I mean this in the nicest way and it's not aimed at anyone, in fact it's a bit of a compliment.

All the people touting Linux are very well versed in the OS and usually very computer orientated and can understand the nitty gritty of the OS inside out.
What they completely fail to miss is they are 0.1% of the worlds computer users.
The other 99.9% are quite happy to go with the flow and try to understand the same system the other 99.8% are using.

We are told download the BDI image, install, edit a file we have never heard of and in 20 minutes we will be up and running.
Translated this means, install Linux in the form best suited for the application in hand, our trusty geek will know straight away what flavor and name it has this week.
Is Red Hat still useable or is it now Unbuntu or are they those short people west of the Gold coast ?
Then edit a series of files using an application that bear no resemblance in name to file manager or similar and it will run with a bit of tweaking.
In the back of their minds our trusty hero's then think that anyone who can't do what they have just done is thick, stupid or is up for the 2007 Forrest Gump award.

Now times this 10 fold.
Our trusty newbie has now managed to get it installed and working.
He's installed it on a machine that's been sent 1,000 miles away and two days later he gets a phone call from Elmer Fudd and has to give phone support to a guy who
can't even spell Unbuntu. So now we have the blind leading the blind, helped by the partially sighted.

Sorry but whilst I have a lot of admiration for the geeks of this world life's too short for mere mortals to bother learning another OS when most of us have some understanding of the one we use dailsy.

Now I could sit down and learn German but for what reason, I don't know any Germans and most of the people I know speak English.

So the next time someone tells you just install this and try it, you will have it running in 20 minutes what they really mean is I CAN HAVE IT RUNNING IN 20 MINUTES.

John S.

Discussion Thread

John Stevenson 2007-05-24 15:26:57 UTC Re: USB and ncPOD system John Stevenson 2007-05-24 16:51:19 UTC Re: USB and ncPOD system Jon Elson 2007-05-24 18:37:31 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: USB and ncPOD system Lester Caine 2007-05-24 23:34:27 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: USB and ncPOD system