CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: cad/cam

Posted by johndroc@a...
on 2000-07-31 12:12:13 UTC
Ok, I'll temper the "like poop" part a little. The first time I used ProE on
an NT platform (about five years ago), it was NT3.51 and it was SLOW. At the
time, NT was new to the workstation arena and Sun, SGI, etc. were light years
ahead. New processor technology and cheaper PC components has narrowed the
gap substantially, so it may be possible to match the performance. I haven't
used it since. The true test would be to run a complex CFD simulation or a
meshing algorithm on comparable NT and SGI machines. I think the NT machine
would ... sputter, cough, hack, hack choke on the floating point operations
and the lack of a true multitasking environment. But then again, I might be
wrong.... Besides, unless you're designing rocket ships for Pluto, it
probably doesn't matter :) and even if you are, just kick your feet up on
the desk while you wait and let your boss see you - it will help convince him
that you need an SGI (or fire you, this is a disclaimer...). I probably just
opened a whole new can of worms. BTW - I've heard the same about SolidWorks,
kinda hurts after I plunked down $4k for Desktop!

Discussion Thread

johndroc@a... 2000-07-31 12:12:13 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: cad/cam