CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

SpaceClaim CAD Program

Posted by vrsculptor
on 2009-07-07 12:49:59 UTC
I stumbled across SpaceClaim <>, a very interesting solid modeling CAD program, on the Mecsoft site. It allows you to create and sculpt solids very quickly and intuitively. It uses a very different approach and doesn't work or look like anything that I have seen before. It reads and writes many solid model formats and the tutorial videos are very good.

I think its worth a look if for no other reason than it is cool. There is a free demo and a $50 student version. I think the full version is about $2500.


Discussion Thread

vrsculptor 2009-07-07 12:49:59 UTC SpaceClaim CAD Program Chuck Merja 2009-07-08 04:00:18 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] SpaceClaim CAD Program