Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Easy CNC Guides Needed
I really don't think any Youtube creators know this, at least not that I have seen. Yes you can change Z in CAM/setup as you may have a feature on another face but when first learning and you have so much going on it's hard to grasp. Even after grasping it, then it's in what universe is Z on the front with 3 axis Router by default. :-) Thank You Tony.
Next beginner tip. I had a tough time "seeing" the correct plane to select from the 3D plane view with a new drawing. Learning to just click on "Top" of the little 3D Cube that is in the upper right corner of your screen solved that for me.
That being said, Fusion is light years ahead of anything out there for the Hobbiest.
For part design (both CAD & CAM), Fusion 360.
Free to hobbyists, needs a 64-bit OS though.
Heaps of tutorials on YouTube, AutoDesk have a series aimed at the beginner. Fusion 360 has way way more than you’ll ever need, I’m not entirely convinced I need to know how plastic cools in my injection mold, but you never know.
That said most of it will go over your head at first. First thing to do is go into preferences (click your name) and change the orientation so Z is on top. Confused me no end why the toolpath was being generated on the front of the part.
From: []
Sent: Friday, 3 February 2017 1:35 AM
Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Easy CNC Guides Needed
Would appreciate some assistance from Our Forum Family on what basics I need to do to get my machine setup to initiate a simple part or engraving to get started. First of all, I do have a complete CNC mill, controller, mach 3 and it does appear to be configured properly? This is sort of a sticking point for me. Would like to actually design a simple part to get familiar with the procedure involved. For example, I'm sure there have been many of you that started out that have been there and done that. Pretty new at this and would like to know how you proceeded to obtain get this cnc to work for you. Any an all suggestion would very much be appreciated. I really need a basic, step by step, hands on instructions for a newby. You may consider sending a PM if you prefer. Thanks very much for taking the time to assist with this matter. If I am out of line here please feel free to tell me where to go. PM
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