CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Thoughts on Gcode interpreters and CNC controls....

Posted by JanRwl@A...
on 2000-09-07 20:49:53 UTC
In a message dated 07-Sep-00 20:14:39 Central Daylight Time,
dougrasmussen@... writes:

<< Any thoughts? >>

Rarely, and when they do come about, they are generally tedious and
inadequate. However, I did my first "CNC" fiddling with a home-brew lathe
run by one of the original "8K PET's with the Chicklet keyboard", and all of
a 1 mHz clock! And I soon learned that any "aids" with which I could omit
the uses of certain BASIC statements, jumping into "machine-code" instead,
would speed things up nicely. Now that the "PC" has gone up into the
half-gigaHz. range (at the moment!), it has required writing
"self-calculating delay-loops" to maintain "stepping rate" at the correct
desired rate. One "neat" thing about a PC with a 500 mHz Pentium is, it can
"do math" on the fly, rather than doing all that "before block-1", storing
subscripted variables in memory. Thus, there are no "microdwells" as you
say, but "picadwells", which, for woodworking, "do not exist"!

Gawrsch, all this brings back visions of those first exposures to "scientific
notation" in HS, before the "four-banger", or "scientific calculator" were a
gleam in ol' Mr. Intel's eye! (I built a 4-banger kit with a 4004 "main IC"
in '72!) Once there are enough megagigas of femtomicros in there, hit jus'
don't hardly make no difference, no more!

Discussion Thread

Matt Shaver 2000-09-07 18:49:32 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Thoughts on Gcode interpreters and CNC controls.... dougrasmussen@c... 2000-09-07 19:25:41 UTC Re: Thoughts on Gcode interpreters and CNC controls.... ptengin@a... 2000-09-07 20:18:13 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Thoughts on Gcode interpreters and CNC controls.... Hugh Currin 2000-09-07 20:44:59 UTC Re: Thoughts on Gcode interpreters and CNC controls.... JanRwl@A... 2000-09-07 20:49:53 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Thoughts on Gcode interpreters and CNC controls.... Kevin P. Martin 2000-09-08 07:27:01 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Thoughts on Gcode interpreters and CNC controls....