CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Mazatrol

Posted by Jon Elson
on 2000-09-08 13:48:21 UTC
dougrasmussen@... wrote:

> Ballendo,
> What does it really mean to have a PC based controller?
> On one level we have the low end systems like Ahha, which are truly
> based on a garden-variety PC.
> Then I see the higher end controllers advertising as being PC based.
> I think Vickers is one, Mazak (?) and for sure, Autocon. But you ask
> these people if you can replace their motherboards with a generic
> board and the answer is always, NO!! (I've had salesmen tell me the
> advantage of being PC based is you can get repair components from
> your local Radio Shack....not likely, I think).
> I'm wondering if this "PC based" business is more advertising hype
> than anything else. My guess is you're still stuck buying high
> priced proprietary boards.

Well, you CAN replace most of the boards in one of these systems with
PC components, but you would have to carefully match the parts. You
can't just
throw any motherboard in there, it has to be physically compatible with
the shape
and position of mounting holes, and electrically compatible with the
right CPU,
memory, I/O slots, BIOS revision level, etc. If you had a row of 10
identical machines,
you could take the time to find out what boards are used, and obtain
replacements for everything but possible a proprietary motion control
through regular PC channels. Then, if something went out, you could try
determine what module is bad and replace it for VASTLY less than the
service would charge.

I'm not sure this is as practical for one machine, or a shop with a
bunch of
different models.


Discussion Thread

Ron Ginger 2000-09-08 13:20:25 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Mazatrol Jon Elson 2000-09-08 13:48:21 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Mazatrol dkmachine@a... 2000-09-08 20:02:59 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Mazatrol