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Re: Stepper controllers

Posted by John Grant
on 1999-06-27 18:37:41 UTC
Ian W. Wright wrote:
> From: "Ian W. Wright" <Ian@...>
> Hi Andrew,
> Sorry I have taken so long to get back to you but I have been away for a
> couple of weeks.
> I am not trying to do any more than persuade the steppers to run
> reliably. Using the Pentium I can get about 150 rpm out of the motors
> without losing steps but, using the 486, I can only get reliable
> stepping at about 50 rpm and then only on selected motors. The 486 I was
> using only had a 486/66SX chip in and so I wonder if the problem was due
> to the lack of a maths co-processor (as in the DX chip)? I was running
> the computer in Windows '95 DOS mode from the hard disk and using 16Mb
> of RAM.
> I did use the Timeset program to set the initial parameters for MaxNC
> and fiddled with the corresponding settings in the Stepster program.
> Using the Pentium the motors just fly but I was hoping to be able to use
> the 486 so as not to tie up the Pentium which could be better employed
> elsewhere.
> Ian

All this talk of Pentiums and 486s bring up a question. The "Retrotec"
controler uses a 8080 cpu and 64k of ram. Why do you need so much more
to do what this early controll does?

John Grant

Discussion Thread

Ian W. Wright 1999-06-10 13:07:48 UTC Stepper controllers DRigotti@x... 1999-06-10 15:17:08 UTC Re: Stepper controllers paul@x... 1999-06-11 07:12:15 UTC Re: Stepper controllers Ian W. Wright 1999-06-12 03:18:13 UTC Re: Stepper controllers Ian W. Wright 1999-06-12 03:22:13 UTC Re: Stepper controllers Ian W. Wright 1999-06-12 03:18:13 UTC Re: Stepper controllers Ian W. Wright 1999-06-12 03:22:13 UTC Re: Stepper controllers Jon Elson 1999-06-12 22:16:12 UTC Re: Stepper controllers Andrew Werby 1999-06-13 02:02:48 UTC Re: Stepper controllers Ian W. Wright 1999-06-27 09:04:02 UTC Re: Stepper controllers Ian W. Wright 1999-06-27 08:50:47 UTC Re: Stepper controllers John Grant 1999-06-27 18:37:41 UTC Re: Stepper controllers Jim GREGG 1999-06-27 20:13:34 UTC Re: Stepper controllers