RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] what type of stepper motors?
Posted by
Kevin P. Martin
on 2000-10-06 10:14:16 UTC
-----Original Message-----
being an "instruction" from the computer that the motor should move a step.
-Kevin Martin
>From: terrylr@... [mailto:terrylr@...]I would just read it as referring to the signal transition on the STEP line
>i am not sure what he means by the below:
><begin quote>
> Our high resolution electronics
> provide 400 steps, or computer
> instructions, per revolution of the
> motors. This results in a minimum
> directional movement of .00163".
><end quote>
>there is a big difference between 400 steps
>per revolution and 400 computer instructions.
>am i reading more into this then what is meant?
being an "instruction" from the computer that the motor should move a step.
-Kevin Martin
Discussion Thread
2000-10-06 04:21:56 UTC
re:what type of stepper motors?
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2000-10-06 10:08:25 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] what type of stepper motors?
Kevin P. Martin
2000-10-06 10:14:16 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] what type of stepper motors?